Jumaat, 8 Mac 2013

How To Plan & Design Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most important parts in any house. It needs more attention and care than any other space in a home. And to make the place more appealing a lot of people spend hundreds of dollars remodeling and refurbishing its interiors.

1) Choose right colour

There are a large variety of bathroom designs to choose from. Firstly, you should choose the right colors. Choose a proper color scheme that would be the basis of your bathroom design theme.

Once you've chosen the colors, your next step is to decide on proper patters, decors and styles. Also you should decide whether you will be using wallpapers, tiles or just leave them painted? And how would you want your flooring to look like? You can choose between lamination and conventional tiling.

Then there is the option of exposed floorboards. It is true that using wood is a conventional style but it can strike well with certain modern bathroom interiors, giving the entire atmosphere an exotic look and feel. However, you should never use normal or mildly treated wood for flooring. They will be damaged due to water exposure.

So I would recommend that you use well coated wood protected with lamination. Nevertheless, some people feel the entire idea of having wood is not a hygienic option. For them, designer tiles are the best alternative.

2) Cabinet

Yet another key element that can be treated as an important part of your overall bathroom design, are the cabinets. There are several different varieties of cabinet designs to choose from. Again, you are left with various choices pertaining to different colors, different materials (wood, plastic or fiber), different designs and different styles.

You can either base the entire bathroom design on contemporary themes or make it look rich and royal by keeping things quite traditional. It is up to you.
Sink, bathtub, toilet, basin, vanities, shower, faucets, knots, and bots should not overwhelm one another.The perfect plan is the one that give attention to both big and small details

3) Spacing

Spacing is yet another factor that you should consider while remodeling or constructing your bathroom interiors. You
should plan the entire bathroom design in such a manner that it augments the spaciousness of the entire area.
Some people add too many cabinets and construct massive tubs and basins to enhance the capacity and style of their bathrooms.

However, instead of augmenting the entire scene, they make their bathrooms look rather crammed and small. Do not commit such mistakes. The more space your bathroom gives, the more comfortable you will be.

4) Lighting

Bathroom lighting is something that shouldn't be forgotten. Your bathroom lights should provide you with enough light in both the day and especially at night when there is a lack of natural light. The ceiling lights should be soft but bright and you should consider a small lamp perched on your bathroom cabinet. For example a touch table lamp works really well when placed on a cabinet next to a bath; it gives off enough light to read a book whilst relaxing in the bath, or for that middle-of-the-night toilet dash.why not use these simple yet effective ideas to make your design look bigger.

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